Summer Module I

Movement versatility and creation:

  • Somatics based classes with Sofia Forero & The Sautter Sisters for body awareness and healing.

  • Movement classes by 2in7billion and Connie Shiau for inspiration in solo creation.

  • Seminars with Sofia Martins and Jesse Obremski to develop introspection within ourselves and our place within the dance industry.

Summer Module II

Three Days, Eight Workshops, One Process.

  • During this workshop we focused on developing our artistic voice. We were inspired by movement, held creation classes, and seminars to develop our own solos and performed live in NYC on the evening of the last day of the workshop!

  • Movement Workshop Artists: Valeria Valleto, Annie Rigney, Michaella Barron

  • Seminar Artists: Coal Rietenbach, Jesse Obremski, Marybeth Rodgers